What is Perspectives?

Perspectives and Roles

Luck in life can be of different types

Sometimes lucky on trifles

For example: Immediately the transport approached as soon as it arrived at the stop, or just thought about the right person, and he immediately met me, although we had not seen each other for a long time, etc.

And sometimes, you get lucky!

Suddenly got a good job, or got a great business proposal, or met a person, and this meeting changed life radically.

How to go from small luck to big luck?

The book “The Theory of Castes and Roles” notes that each person is a set of stereotypes that he has gained in life (from parents, teachers, friends, colleagues, etc.). As a result, person is often only able to play the roles defined by these stereotypes. However, if we consider these stereotypes as programs that influence behavior and decision-making, then one can reprogram oneself.

We have been doing this all our lives, changing and developing. And although this process is continuous, the speed of development can be different, and the transition from one role to another (from one class to another) usually occurs abruptly and suddenly.

If a person has the qualities necessary for a new role and transition to a new class, this does not mean that the transition will be favorable for him. The Perspective creates favorable opportunities for the transition to new promising roles. It allows you to go beyond stereotypes and see favorable opportunities in current events and actions. In addition, it favors the acquisition of new qualities necessary for such a transition.

The exchange of qualities between people is possible due to the perspective activation of the light body. The Perspective promotes interaction at the level of direct transmission of qualities. For this, the Biointernet practices are used, which we teach at our seminars and video courses (please see more about Human Light System Course here).

To solve your problems, you can tune in to the qualities of a person and load them for yourself as ready-made structures, as well as your future qualities, and get them in the present.

We describe one of these practices below.

There are qualities that do not exist in our reality. They are often described in fairy tales, myths and fantastic works.

For example:

the quality of rejuvenation inherent in the Golden Apples from myths, or the quality of regeneration, as a property of Dragons. These and other fantastic qualities exist in other realities.

Theories of the multiverse (many universes) do not deny the existence of universes and realities with different physical laws.

Is it possible to tune in to the qualities that exist in other realities? The Golden Apple helps in this setting and transferring the desired quality into our reality. For this, the practices of the Biointernet are also used.

The Leader helps to strengthen one’s operator’s ability to change reality and attract the necessary qualities.

After all, the Leader is the one who is able not only to respond to changes in reality, but also has the qualities to create a new time of life in this reality, generating new ideas, new actions, new knowledge.

And this is the Reality Teacher. To be a good Teacher of Reality, one must also be a good Reality Student. The RTeacher is able to feel and respond to the slightest changes outside and inside himself and adequately respond to these changes. The Super increases the user’s sensitivity, enhancing his expert qualities.

Time Limited Offer: Discounts on Translighters

Perspective – 10%

Golden Apple – 15%

Leader – 20%

Super – 20%

If you take a set of these four Translighters at the full price – The Energy of Time as a gift

Perspectives and Roles
Perspectives and Roles

Practice with Translighters

The prospect of transferring qualities from the future

Take the Perspective between your hands and tune in to it.

Formulate your request for this practice.

Write your request on a piece of paper.

On another sheet of paper, write: “I am here and now.”

Select a space for practice: a room, an apartment, a square on the street, or some other space. This will be a zone of temporary space for interaction with the future.

Lay a piece of paper that says “I am here and now” on the floor in this space.

Take in one hand the Perspective, and in the other a piece of paper with a request.

Stand on the sheet you placed on the floor earlier.

Listen to yourself, to your feelings.

Start walking around the allocated temporary space, trying to notice changes in yourself. You need to find a point that matches the solution to your request. Don’t think about your request. Pay attention to your condition. You can turn on the music and move to it.

At the point where you note the greatest response, put a piece of paper with your request.

Stand on it facing another sheet. Feel yourself in the future. Immerse yourself in your image of the future. Tune in to it through the Perspective card.

Imagine that on this card lies a gift to you in the past. It can be any object or symbol. Fill it with the light of Future Prospects and send it to yourself in the past towards the sheet with the inscription “I am here and now.”

Move to another sheet. Now you are in the present.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are receiving a gift from the future.

Accept it and thank you for the gift.

Feel how the light of Future Prospects enters you from this gift.

Perspectives and Roles